I came to Cambridge to study Law as my second undergraduate degree and joined St Edmund’s as an affiliated student. Having been brought up in Hong Kong and spending four years in the US for my first undergraduate degree, I did not know what to expect when I first arrived at St Edmund’s.

With a flashback to 1998 when I was matriculated in St Edmund’s, all the exciting and fond memories came back vividly. From a time when I first had no idea what a matriculation was, I spent two years in such a cozy and lovely place. I stayed in the college in my first year, where I met a lot of good friends. The college was a lot smaller back then, but it provided just everything we needed to meet and chat with everyone. The experiences I had in St Edmund’s was really priceless and I treasure every bit of them, from a casual dinner mingling with friends in the dining hall, dressing up in gowns for formal hall, dancing in the common room with a glass of wine (or a few glasses), studying in the cozy little library, to rowing when the sky was still dark in a cold chilly morning.

St Edmund’s is a very international college, with students coming from different parts of the world. I still remember one of the best Thai dishes I have ever had was cooked by a friend in the college’s kitchen. I learned about different cultures from my friends in the college, we exchanged ideas on intellectual issues or just any issues we could think of. As a young woman in St Edmund’s, my voices were heard and the group of fellow female Eddies was very closely connected. These are all special and life time experiences which had made me become a more independent and mature woman and shaped me to who I am now.

After I graduated in 2000, I went back to my home country Hong Kong to practise law. At that time, I did not come across many Eddies alumni in Hong Kong. In 2006, when Master Bullock came to visit Hong Kong, I was connected to more Eddies alumni in Hong Kong, and an idea came up that a local alumni group should be formed to better connect with all of them. Since then, I established the St Edmund’s Cambridge Hong Kong Alumni Group and we now have regular gatherings among the local Eddies alumni. I have always wanted to give back to St Edmund’s where I spent 2 of my most unforgettable and remarkable years in my life, so I am also a regular donor and am still closely connected with the college.

With the experiences and knowledge I gained from Cambridge, I continue to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. I am a lawyer, a mother of 2 children and I became a university lecturer about 8 years ago, who is passionate to pass on my knowledge, skills and life experiences to the younger generation. I am not only my students’ teacher, I am also a friend to some of them and someone that they can turn to for career and other advices.
I am very proud to be an Eddies alumni. I brought my family back to visit the college 2 years ago and we spent a few happy nights staying in the college grounds. I am very happy to see how much St Edmund’s has developed and expanded since I graduated and am excited to see how it will continue to grow. My family has already planned another visit to the college later this year. Thank you St Edmund’s and I look forward to meeting our first female Master, Catherine Arnold very soon.